Case Study

+ 60%

of those who were at risk of kidney
disease didn't believe they were


was spent on research
every minute in 2021


Kidney Research UK are committed to developing treatments and public awareness to help save lives. We have designed a variety of items to support the charity’s fundraising activities such as magazines, leaflets, collection boxes, banner stands and fellowship day programmes.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition which involves any damage or abnormality in the kidneys. It is often progressive. Research suggests that over 3 million people in the UK are at risk of chronic kidney disease - and up to a million of these may be undiagnosed. The illness can affect all age groups and is extremely common in older people. Kidney Research UK is a charity committed to developing treatments and public awareness to help save lives.



The charity had a range of existing materials designed by a variety of different design agencies. Branding guidelines helped keep the materials consistent but greater design consistency and stronger branding skills were needed to bring existing materials on brand and help push further brand development. Greater attention to detail was needed from a design perspective in terms of alignment, layout and positioning of graphics. Current projects often went in to double figures when it came to the number of proofs required, often missing deadlines and creating overspend.


We introduced a new photographer to raise the quality of the images used together with greater attention to keeping within the brand guidelines. Colour consistency was improved through selecting an alternative printer for materials. Any new brand elements that resulted from new designs became part of the brand guidelines ensuring future materials kept on brand. Design proofs were introduced at an earlier stage with latin copy and wordcounts outlining the requirements for the client-supplied text. An extra proofreading stage was added prior to design and face-to-face client briefings.


Overall communication was improved and regular donations and support increased. The number of proofs for a project was dramatically reduced, resulting in them being more cost-effective and delivered on time. Constant design and brand awareness was achieved through greater design, accurate copy, improved alignment and more targeted communications.